
Showing posts from November 7, 2020

Sunday, November 1, 2020 - Odessa to FDR State Park, Georgia

Well, I've consulted my IT specialist and now I'm able to actually post!  Just pretend you're reading this as it happens, instead of a week out of sync!!  (Thanks, Stu!)) - - - - - Like a well-oiled machine, Connie and I are up, dressed, packed, and ready to hit the road to Marilyn’s house.  We’re taking both cars because I’m nervous about Connie’s car having a close encounter of the rodent kind! We get to Marilyn’s and unload everything that needs to come with us.  Then the fun begins!  It’s a good thing Marilyn’s car is bigger than either one of ours!  It was a giant game of Tetris!  But we are women and we know how to pack!  And it’s a certainty that we won’t starve up there!! We sure do have a lot of food! The adventure begins! The drive is pretty easy (Easy for me to say, as all I did was navigate!) as there wasn’t a lot of traffic on I-75.  We took a lunch break around noon and ate at Subway.  There were only two other occupied tables, there was a ton of room between